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How do I know if a micro-pigmentation brow treatment is right for me?

Maria will perform an in-depth consultation for each treatment, lasting around 30 minutes.  In this appointment, your skin type will be assessed to check its suitability for micro-pigmentation You will also be asked to complete a form relating to your medical history, to ensure that the procedure can take place safely. The treatment and healing process will be fully explained to you so that you know what to expect. It is a great opportunity for the client to understand how micro-pigmentation will enhance their eyebrows, and which colour and shapes will best suit them.

At the end of the consultation you will be given a skin sensitivity test, and an appointment can then be made for the treatment to be carried out if you wish to proceed.

How long does the treatment take?

Micropigmentation appointments take 2 1/2 hours in total, comprised of around a 45-minute consultation/design time and 1hr 45 minutes treatment time. A re-touch treatment is included in the price, which is performed 5-7 weeks after the initial application.

Is Micro-pigmentation painful?

Before the treatment, a topical numbing cream is applied to the area, to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Clients advise that there is a slight ‘scratchy’ sensation.

What will the treatment look like immediately after?

You may find the treatment area will look darker and more intense in colour for 5-7 days following the procedure. However, the pigment will lighten by 40-60% and soften as the skin begins to heal. Maria will provide a copy of the aftercare instructions to you, to enable the best healed results possible.